There are its fair share of famous overland routes in North America, roads like the Dalton Highway in Alaska, or the Dempster Highway and the Canol Road in the NWT and Yukon come to mind. However us East Coast folks don’t need to travel that far west to experience breathtaking remote overland routes. Anyone familiar with Gravel Travel will undoubtedly know that Canada as a lot to offer in this regard.
Lets take a closer look at some of the eastern / north-eastern routes that bring remote long range adventure travel within a reasonable reach for the East Coast Overlander:
So there you have it. While plans are in the works to head out to NWT and Alaska (I know, the irony doesn’t escape me), to attempt the northern section of the Canol Rd, and possibly the Dalton Highway, there will most definitely be an East Coast Overland Expedition that will set out to complete the TNE in its entirety, starting in NB and finishing at the end of the Trans Taiga Road. This is likely one of the few roads in Canada that doesn’t actually lead anywhere, as it is purely a Service Road for Hydro Quebec to access their facilities. It is called Canada’s Loneliest Road, and stretches for 666 km, (if you are superstitious and don’t walk under ladders, you might not want to undertake this journey lol. There are absolutely no service stations or cell phone coverage along the way, and thorough preparation will be critical. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a way to connect to Labrador city from it, largely due to the terrain being utterly impassable.